I had played with YouTube before taking this class. As you said alot of stuff I did not find worth watching- but the value of something is decided by the beholder.
I always thought that this concept would make great mini training programs for customers and staff. Customers could access them from an icon on our public internet PC's.
About a year ago we adopted a stray kitten we call CiCi. When we first got him he was so hungry that when he ate he would make a noise like he was saying yum, yum, yum.
This clip reminds me of him.
Broccoli Kitten LOVES Broccoli! (The cat's name is Captain Pugwash)
URL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQi3q-Nf9wA
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
#19 Discovering Web 2.0 Tools
I choose the category of genealogy. I explored MyHeritage.com. I had already used this site before. They have updated the process since I used it last. It's setup very similar to some of the genealogy blogs I use at MyFamily.com. For those blogs, you have to be invited and you receive a user name and a password. It allows you to search through the pictures, postings etc by keyword/tags. It's interesting to see how organized some people are. Some of the blogs are very responsive. Some you have to look at almost every item to find what you are looking for. I can see this application being used as a training module for staff or customers. They could key words to find the answer to an application or task they don't remember how to do.
The other 2 sites listed for this category were very similar. There is a limited storage for free accounts but of course you can upgrade and receive more storage.
The other 2 sites listed for this category were very similar. There is a limited storage for free accounts but of course you can upgrade and receive more storage.
#18 Web-Based Apps: They're Not Just For Desktops
So I created my free Zoho Writer account and added the site to my list of Favorite Blog Tools on my blog. This is something that I can see coming in handy.
Best thing is that's it's suprisingly easy to use.
Best thing is that's it's suprisingly easy to use.
#17 Playing Around with PB Wiki
Easy after finishing some of the other exercises. Could be used by groups who have Blogs with a common interest??? Possibility genealogy or a sandbox link to all of the Branch libraries for JPL.
Remember no throwing sand!
Remember no throwing sand!
#16 So What's a Wiki?
I had used Wikipedia before when it came up in a Google search to give me background information so I could conduct a more informed search about something I was not real familiar with. I did not feel good about using it as a sole source as it can, as was pointed put, be edited by anyone.
I like the examples given such as the ALA Conference wiki, Book Lovers Wiki, and the Library Success wiki. Each had a target audience, and most were based on someone's opinion or knowledge- most people would not take the entry as an authority on the topic.
I can see libraries getting alot of use out of wikis such as these - Customer book reviews, Library Success to share programs and ideals among library staff.
I like the examples given such as the ALA Conference wiki, Book Lovers Wiki, and the Library Success wiki. Each had a target audience, and most were based on someone's opinion or knowledge- most people would not take the entry as an authority on the topic.
I can see libraries getting alot of use out of wikis such as these - Customer book reviews, Library Success to share programs and ideals among library staff.
#15 On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0
I have felt for many years that the world of libraries as we know it is changing everyday. Even small library systems are techno savey if money is available. Libraries and librarians will need to continue to evolve and seek new technology to meet customer demands and needs. They will become trainers as much as reference librarians. (Haven't you seen this over the past few years?)
Having been a librarian for more than 25 years I can relate to the "Away From Icebergs" article in that many of us save or keep something just in case you might need it someday.
To allow me to keep up with todays technology and customers needs is one of the reasons I took this class. Some of the concepts I had already ecountered for various reason but this class has helped me fill in some of the blanks.
Also becasue of the changing ways libraries are doing business I am taking the PL/Ask a Librarian class to be able to do e reference.
Having been a librarian for more than 25 years I can relate to the "Away From Icebergs" article in that many of us save or keep something just in case you might need it someday.
To allow me to keep up with todays technology and customers needs is one of the reasons I took this class. Some of the concepts I had already ecountered for various reason but this class has helped me fill in some of the blanks.
Also becasue of the changing ways libraries are doing business I am taking the PL/Ask a Librarian class to be able to do e reference.
Monday, December 29, 2008
#14 Getting Not-So-Technical with Technorati
I did keyword search for “Learning 2.0” in Blog posts, in tags and in the Blog Directory. I never got great results on most things I searched for. Too restricted I guess.
OK - I claimed my Blog with Technorati. The Monster had escaped when I was there also but I was able to sneak my blog out- guess the monster does not like cats.
I added one Technorati tag so my Blog can be accessed easier. I like regular tags and folksonomies better. Freeform appeals to me I guess.
OK - I claimed my Blog with Technorati. The Monster had escaped when I was there also but I was able to sneak my blog out- guess the monster does not like cats.
I added one Technorati tag so my Blog can be accessed easier. I like regular tags and folksonomies better. Freeform appeals to me I guess.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
#13 Tagging, Folksonomies & Social Bookmarking in Del.icio.us
I viewed both the tutorial and the podcast. Discovered what a Folksonomey was. Who knew that I was already using them?
I liked the ideal that I can find other links on my topics by looking at popular tags.
I also like the ideal that you can have a group of peple post to a common tag and share information that way. Example the ALA tag discussed in the podcast.
I went to the PLCMCL2 account. Found some sites which I added to my Blog to look at again later. I especially like the Creating Your Own delicious Cookbook.
I have had a Del.icio.us account for about 2 years. I began using it to keep track of genealogy websites I do not use often.
I liked the ideal that I can find other links on my topics by looking at popular tags.
I also like the ideal that you can have a group of peple post to a common tag and share information that way. Example the ALA tag discussed in the podcast.
I went to the PLCMCL2 account. Found some sites which I added to my Blog to look at again later. I especially like the Creating Your Own delicious Cookbook.
I have had a Del.icio.us account for about 2 years. I began using it to keep track of genealogy websites I do not use often.
social bookmarking,
#12 Add a Jaxcat Gadget
The good thing about playing around with the Blog is that I had already added gadgets to my Blog before I came to this exercise. Made doing this one a breeze. The worse one I worked on was the clock on my Blog (of which I am still not totally happy with -I can't get it centered in the box) For that one you had to tell it what time zone you are in and it did not use Greenwich!
Friday, December 12, 2008
#11 A Thing about Library Thing
#10 Playing Around with Image Generators
You can never have just one cat picture. I used Captioner for the first one. http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/captioner.php
This one I just liked and copied it from http://icanhascheezburger.com/
#9 Finding Feeds
Methods easiest to use: to find most of my feeds I visited sites that I usually frequent and looked for the RSS image. I also used the Bloglines search tool to add subject feeds.
Topix.net - I liked that topix allowed you to focus on a specific location/zip code for newsfeed items
Syndic8.com - Too much to plow through for me. Other sources were quicker to loctae what I wanted.
Technorati - I liked that I can search tags. I plan to go back later and finish the tutorial.
Topix.net - I liked that topix allowed you to focus on a specific location/zip code for newsfeed items
Syndic8.com - Too much to plow through for me. Other sources were quicker to loctae what I wanted.
Technorati - I liked that I can search tags. I plan to go back later and finish the tutorial.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
#8 RSS & a Newsreader
I subscribed to 10+ RSS feeds and created a bloglines notifier for my blog.
I have added a subscribe to Susan's Blog link to my blog.
I also subscribed to Unshelved and The Learning 2.0 blog feed and a co-worker's feed.
Have I checked everything off of the list??
My blogroll may be seen at http://www.bloglines.com/public/sarthurgeiger.
I was only able to do this thanks to the directions that Ed Lein put in his blog. THANKS ED!!!
What do I like about RSS and newsreaders?
Being able to find all of my stuff in one place.
I have added a subscribe to Susan's Blog link to my blog.
I also subscribed to Unshelved and The Learning 2.0 blog feed and a co-worker's feed.
Have I checked everything off of the list??
My blogroll may be seen at http://www.bloglines.com/public/sarthurgeiger.
I was only able to do this thanks to the directions that Ed Lein put in his blog. THANKS ED!!!
What do I like about RSS and newsreaders?
Being able to find all of my stuff in one place.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
#7 Technology
Check out the following:
* * * * * * *
In my career working in libraries - as a page in the Orange County/Osceola County System; a clerk at Strozier Library at FSU; a children’s librarian in the Charlotte/Glades County Library System to present a Senior Librarian with Jacksonville Public Library I am amazed with the technology changes I have seen in how a library operates. Just look at how the process of checking out a book has changed.
As a page we first checked out books with a Gaylord System which bit small chunks out of the card which were found in the backs of the books. Each time a chunck of card was taken, a library card number was printed onto the card from the metal plate inserted into the paper card. The small chunk allowed the machine to check the book out to another customer by moving down the card, so the new number imprinted did not imprint over the first number.
This system gave way to one in which we made copies of the card found in the back of the book and the library card. This microfilm was developed giving us a record of who check out what, when. Looking up overdue customers was sure a pain.
After that we had one that was computer based. When an item was checked out you inserted a slip of paper with the due date. etc into the back of the book. When the item was returned these slips were run through a mammoth computer so the staff would know who did not return their books and hence were overdue.
When I came to JPL things were migrating from a similar system to a computer based system – earlier version of SIRSIS.
I don’t even know if I should bring up go from paper card catalogs, microfilm readers to internet and wifi. :-)
* * * * * * *
In my career working in libraries - as a page in the Orange County/Osceola County System; a clerk at Strozier Library at FSU; a children’s librarian in the Charlotte/Glades County Library System to present a Senior Librarian with Jacksonville Public Library I am amazed with the technology changes I have seen in how a library operates. Just look at how the process of checking out a book has changed.
As a page we first checked out books with a Gaylord System which bit small chunks out of the card which were found in the backs of the books. Each time a chunck of card was taken, a library card number was printed onto the card from the metal plate inserted into the paper card. The small chunk allowed the machine to check the book out to another customer by moving down the card, so the new number imprinted did not imprint over the first number.
This system gave way to one in which we made copies of the card found in the back of the book and the library card. This microfilm was developed giving us a record of who check out what, when. Looking up overdue customers was sure a pain.
After that we had one that was computer based. When an item was checked out you inserted a slip of paper with the due date. etc into the back of the book. When the item was returned these slips were run through a mammoth computer so the staff would know who did not return their books and hence were overdue.
When I came to JPL things were migrating from a similar system to a computer based system – earlier version of SIRSIS.
I don’t even know if I should bring up go from paper card catalogs, microfilm readers to internet and wifi. :-)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
#5 & #6 Discover Flickr and More Fun
Fun, Fun, Fun. But boy are the library's PC's slow!
I did a Movie poster and a motivational statement poster. For the top image- I first matted the image. I can't get how to center a picture/image in a frame without cutting something off. Practice makes perfect I guess. I then added an inspirational message. I should have made the words bigger.
The second is my movie poster. This one was easier as I did not try to crop or frame. Just used the movie poster utility.
Importance or reason why I used these pictures - no copyright. They are from my genealogy website. :-) They spoke to me!
Monday, November 3, 2008
#3 & # 4 Blogging in 3 Easy Steps
Still using the same Blog from June. But something new- I have been posting alot of my posts (experiments in progress using what I have learned) the past 2 weeks to our Branch Website. Check it out at
I am having some problems registering my blog though. I must work harder to make it worthy of being registered I guess! :-)
I am having some problems registering my blog though. I must work harder to make it worthy of being registered I guess! :-)
#2 Lifelong Learning & L2 - Again - 12-lifelong-learning-habits
OK - again I am choosing "setting a goal" as my easiest habit for 12-lifelong-learning-habits. Now I just need to make time to begin achieving that goal!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Well... It's up and was not as difficult as it could have been. I had a headstart by already knowing how to do some things from my genealogy website. Also had help from my cats as the blog's models.
Friday, June 27, 2008
It's That Time Again
How To Give Your Cat A Pill
1. Grasp cat firmly in your arms. Cradle its head on your elbow, just as if you were giving baby a bottle. Coo confidently, "That's a nice kitty." Drop pill into its mouth.
2. Retrieve cat from top of lamp and pill from under sofa.
3. Follow same procedure as in 1, but hold cat's front paws down with left hand and back paws down with elbow of right arm. Poke pill into its mouth with right forefinger.
4. Retrieve cat from under bed. Get new pill from bottle. (Resist impulse to get new cat.)
5. Again proceed as in 1, except when you have cat firmly cradled in bottle-feeding position, sit down on edge of chair, fold your torso over cat, bring your right hand over your left elbow, open cat's mouth by lifting the upper jaw and pop the pill in - quickly. Since your head is down by your knees, you won't be able to see what you're doing. That's just as well.
6. Leave cat hanging on drapes. Leave pill in your hair.
7. If you're a woman, have a good cry. If you're a man, have a good cry.
8. Now pull yourself together. Who's the boss here anyway? Retrieve cat and pill. Assuming position 1, say sternly, "Who's the boss here, anyway?" Open cat's mouth, take pill and...Oooops!
9. This isn't working, is it? Collapse and think. Aha! Those flashing claws are causing the chaos.
10. Crawl to linen closet. Drag back large beach towel. Spread towel on floor.
11. Retrieve cat from kitchen counter and pill from potted plant.
12. Spread cat on towel near one end with its head over long edge.
13. Flatten cat's front and back legs over its stomach. (Resist impulse to flatten cat.)
14. Roll cat in towel. Work fast; time and tabbies wait for no man-or woman.
15. Resume position 1. Rotate your left hand to cat's head. Press it's mouth at the jaw hinges like opening the petals of a snapdragon.
16. Drop pill into cat's mouth and poke gently. Voila! It's done.
17. Vacuum up loose fur (cat's). Apply bandages to wounds (yours).
18. Take two aspirins and lie down.
Now try this 4 times- we have 4 cats.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Week 1: Lifelong Learning: Discovery Exercises
It's up!
Oscar Wilde said - Experience is the name that eveyone gives their mistakes.
So if something blows up while taking the JPL Learning 2.o class - remember that!
So if something blows up while taking the JPL Learning 2.o class - remember that!
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